Welcome to 2008 Gameday

Welcome to the 2008 version of Gameday on MLB.com, the premier destination for following live baseball on the Internet. As we do every year, we’ve done our best over the winter to improve and enhance Gameday — and fix the parts that didn’t work as well as we would like — to make it the most enjoyable and informative experience possible. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new…

First and foremost, we upgraded the Flash engine that runs Gameday to provide much faster and smoother performance than ever before. You will need to upgrade to Flash 9.0.115 if you haven?t already done so (click here), but it?s a very quick update and definitely worth it!

Once you have Gameday up and running, you?ll see that we?ve overhauled the design and layout to make it easier to read and easier to use. Gone are the tiny fonts and black background that made Gameday  too hard to read, which have been replaced by larger, darker fonts against a lighter background. In other words, Gameday looks now like something you can actually read! Later on this season we will also be introducing Gameday mini, a tiny version of Gameday for the multi-taskers to dock on the side of the computer screen while you work.

There?s more to read this year, too, since we?ve integrated Gameday with our in-depth game Previews and Wrapup coverage, to provide one-stop shopping for each game from beginning to end, and beyond. Watch for video previews for each game and, before too long, post-game highlights in the wrapups.

Video isn?t just for before and after the game, either? as you all know, MLB.com is all about live baseball, so this season we?ll be providing exclusive in-game video highlights right in the Gameday window. Each game will feature about a dozen high-quality video highlights of top plays, each posted within minutes after the action occurs on the field.

But Gameday isn?t just about video, it?s always been about providing the fastest and most detailed information about what?s happening on the field. Last year we ramped up the Pitch-f/x technology to provide pitch speed, trajectory and location data for about half of the games played around the league. This year we?ll be providing that data for all games played in each MLB ballpark, starting with this Sunday night?s game in Washington.

In addition to expanding this technology to include all games, this season MLB.com will be the first provider ever to offer real-time pitch identification (fastball, curveball, even knuckleballs!) for every pitch thrown in every game. We?ve worked closely with several MLB clubs to develop this feature and believe it will provide an entirely new way to enjoy the game and appreciate the incredible ability of Major League pitchers.

Finally, later this season we?ll introduce a fully functional 3D pitch environment with a new set of features that will present the pitch data like you?ve never seen before. You?ll have the ability to select the camera angle, zoom in and out, pan across the field, and isolate different pitches in a light-weight, easy to use interface.

All of these changes were carefully planned to incorporate as much user feedback and requests as possible. Thanks to everyone who has posted on this blog, with both positive and negative comments? we?ve read everything and taken many suggestions into account as we built what we think will be the best Gameday yet.

Bookmark: http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday

Keep the feedback coming, and let?s play ball!

The MLB.com Gameday Team


  1. tommy@tommywilde.com

    The new Gameday looks amazing! You outdo yourselves every year. Oh, but of course, there’s room for improvement. 1) Gameday is now too large for my laptop screen. 2) Maybe it’s just me, but the pitcher/batter looks weird in the upper left corner under the opposing team’s logo. I don’t like having to look off to the left to see who’s up. Seems like it should be under the plate area.

  2. mdaniels@detroittigers.net

    When I try to start the new Gameday, I get an error message from Firefox and am forced to restart my browser. I updated the flash player earlier today. I’m able to get on to the page with the recap for the Red Sox/Dodgers game, but am unable to access play by play for that or for the Nats/Braves game.

    I’ve been using Gameday since 2003 and hope something can be done to correct this error.

  3. thepainguy@gmail.com

    I do some scouting and consulting at the ML level and am considering using the Gameday system as a way of assisting with my analyses. However, I saw a number of problems with the system tonight, including mis-classification of pitches and questionable PFX and BRK values. I’d be glad to discuss what I saw, and suggest some ideas for enhancements, if you are interested.

    Just e-mail me.

  4. fantasy411

    Pain guy, thanks for the comments. We are very confident in the “break” and Pfx values… just to be clear, here’s how they are defined:

    * The “Pitch-f/x” value is the distance between the location of the actual pitch thrown over the plate, and the calculated location of a ball thrown by the pitcher in the same way, with no spin

    * Break is defined as the measurement of the greatest distance between the trajectory of the pitch at any point between the release point and the front of home plate, and the straight line path from the release point and the front of home plate.

    By these definitions, a Barry Zito curveball will have a much greater Break value than a Brad Penny fastball, while a typical fastball with a high rate of backspin, will have a much lower Break but a higher Pfx value.

    Re. the pitch classifications, we worked closely with nearly a dozen clubs over the winter to develop this technology, but it’s real-time software so we can’t guarantee the result of every single pitch. That said, we weren’t happy with some of the errors we saw and will continue to fine-tune the system as best we can.

    To mdaniels, we’re experiencing some sporadic issues with Gameday in Firefox, but it works very well in Internet Explorer, please try that?

    The Gameday Team

  5. pipelocks@gmail.com

    Please give more details, projections, estimates on rain delays instead of just a “Delayed, Rain Delay” message. How many thousand people are navigating though the radar maps and guessing at a start/restart time? Save everyone some time and give us the best information you have. Even if it’s 60% accurate it’s better than us guessing and wasting out time researching it. Thanks, new Gameday screen is awesome.

  6. penderyn@ukfsn.org

    I second the comment about it being too big for a laptop screen. I much preferred the smaller version. Stop fiddling around with things and go back to the Gameday of 2006.

    Not relevant to Gameday but the new video player is awful.


  7. davekemp

    Absolutely love the new Gameday. It is now MUCH easier see the ball and strike calls (with the colors lighting up below the interface). You can actually watch the pitch-by-pitch sequence and get a good feel for what is happening without having to move your eyes around a lot.

    Very well done. I was upset with a lot of the changes you made last year, but this year’s edition is by far the best effort you’ve put together, ever. Best on the web.


  8. davekemp

    I will second the comment about the video player. Even with the MLB.TV premium, the highest bitrate video looks horrible. My bandwidth is like 5 or 6 times what it says the minimum requirement yes, and yet the video is incredibly choppy looking with a very low framerate. Even if I set the stream to 300k instead of 1.2m, the the framerate is still awful. So I think this has more to do with Silverlight than it does my computer or internet connection.

    Very, very disappointing in this regard. Even if the picture looks sharp on 1.2 mb, the action is choppy and unpleasant to watch. I’d much rather see a fuzzier picture at 20+ fps than a sharp picture with significant time and blurring between frames. Ugh. Hopefully this will be improved soon…I can’t imagine MLBAM felt okay with the way things are now.

  9. davekemp

    And just as an FYI, I have had MLB.tv for three years now. And these framerate issues were nonexistant before.

    Please, please, please tell us what we can do to get this changed. Is there another MLBLOG you can point us to, or should we just call and voice our feelings to technical support?

    Thank you!

  10. sytalos26@yahoo.com

    I’m running a screen of 1400×900, and I have to scroll up and down to see everything I used to be able to see in one glance (and outside of my browser, too). I agree with the comments above, the 2006 version had everything you needed in a nice small window that you could look at while working on other tasks. I even enjoyed the 07 version. But please hurry up with creating the non-browser gametracker.

    MLB’s is the best in the business, but until you fix the resolution issues I’m going to have to use Yahoo or ESPN.

  11. sytalos26@yahoo.com

    I’m running a screen of 1400×900, and I have to scroll up and down to see everything I used to be able to see in one glance (and outside of my browser, too). I agree with the comments above, the 2006 version had everything you needed in a nice small window that you could look at while working on other tasks. I even enjoyed the 07 version. But please hurry up with creating the outside-browser window gametracker.

    MLB’s is the best in the business, but until you fix the resolution issues I’m going to have to use Yahoo or ESPN.

  12. yazfan2003@yahoo.com

    I agree with the comments above. Gameday does not fit on my screen, and I have to scroll down to see who is on base. I also liked it better as an outside of the browser window. Aside from these problems, I love the live pitch tracker, it is what sets Gameday apart from the competition.

  13. trish_brc@yahoo.com

    I do not want 3-D.
    I do not want the entire monitor occupied.
    I told you this last year.
    I wasn’t the only person who complained to you in 2007.
    I have Mac computers.
    They have the latest Safari, Firefox and Flash installed.
    $14/year is a bargain, but it’s frustrating when it only works for about a dozen games (May through June) in a season.
    Your Flash application is so poorly written that it drives my Mac G5 (full-size, not notebook) into high-fan-speed mode; few if any other windows get any cputime.
    Please let us select the classic 2006 gameday. If someone likes 3-D, good for them, but please let the rest of us enjoy what you used to provide.

    To fellow fans, Happy Opening Day!
    To MLB.COM, don’t expect people to be happy when you give them something they do not like and did not ask for, even if you think that thing is really neat.

    Off so some other sports website to hear the game or see the box score (and to see their advertisers ads, if that matters).

  14. lionel.wininger@gmail.com

    Gameday looks great so far. I have been running it on Firefox 2 with no problems at all. Keep up the good work. Did you get rid of the centerfield view?

  15. arizona_andy@hotmail.com

    Gameday 2008 looks much better than last year’s version.

    However, there is one very obvious new problem. The “PITCH” column is completely wrong for everything other than a straight 4-seam fastball.

    It shows Brandon Webb’s sinker as being a “Splitter”, and his changeup as a “Curveball”. If this thing doesn’t work, just don’t show it. Bad information is worse than no information.

  16. patjr@charter.net

    I agree with the posters about the screen being too large. And I also like the idea of more rain delay info and the Gameday mini. How about Gameday PDA also?

    I do not care about break or spin, pitch-by-pitch; and I can see who is “on deck” and “in the hole” from the lineup.

    Bring back Gameday 2006.

  17. jakeweirich@gmail.com

    Waaaaaaay too huge. Gameday is for following the stats, not trying to simulate the game. Get that mini Gameday out in a hurry so I can actually use the product. You guys should seriously look at what gameday is used for. If I wanted to watch the game I’d click on mlb.tv. Box and Stats only!

  18. goecker@sbcglobal.net

    I recently subscribed to Gameday Audio and after one day, I began getting an Internet Explorer Script Message every time I try to click the radio station icon. What’s up?


  19. jon.rish@comcast.net

    I agree with many others. Gameday takes up way too much space on the screen. The only plus I’ve seen is that the scores of every game are available without having to scroll through, but what’s the point if I keep haveing to scroll up and down to see the play by play and the scores. Also, there actually seems to be less room for the running play by play or pitch by pitch. By putting it beneath the batter – pitcher simulation there is less space. I like having the option of minimizing the defensive alignment to get more space for play by play. Give me the 2007 version with all the scores and that would be great. Much better then 2008.

  20. senatorvest@yahoo.com

    I hate that it’s so much bigger this year. Last year it came in a nice little popup window and you didn’t have to scroll up and down to see the entire thing like you do this year. It’s an unnecessary hassle. There was no reason to change it. I like just being able to watch a game and look over at the screen to see where the pitches are, the play-by-play and the stats. Now you have to scroll up and down everytime you want to look at something. I sound lazy but it’s incredibly annoying. And that’s the very reason I used gameday over the versions other sites had. Now MLB’s version is just as bad. Also, the colors and setup it had last year were a lot easier to read. It’s hard to clearly see the different parts of gameday because everything is white. It was so much easier to look at last year.

    I’m not sure if there are anythings I like at all about the new version. Just give use last year’s version again. Don’t fix what’s not broken.

  21. jon@inboxemail.com

    Wow, I’m thankfull I’ve found a place to make a comment. Gameday 2008 is horrible. WAY WAY WAY too big! I run 1650×1050 and it STILL won’t fit onto my screen.

    What gives with everything being so large? There is way too much space. The fact I have to scroll to see anything is really frustrating. Design 101 in anything web is ALWAYS to have the viewer scroll as absolutely as little as possible.

    In addition, I frankly don’t see any improvements here at all in terms of giving me more information than was there before. Please restore back to the old version!!!!


  22. kochwese@gmail.com

    Definitely need a resizeable small window, like everybody is saying. Also need to make revisions to the pitch-by-pitch box, so that when you click on a different inning, it resets to the top of that inning. It would also be nice if you could scroll through the pBp box without the whole page moving. I think a more people use this for its archive features than you guys have estimated, as opposed to its live features.

    Thanks for requesting and being responsive to the feedback, though.

  23. cdtsbaseball5@yahoo.com

    Can someone tell me how to get the gameday like it looks like in the screen shot from the link towards the top of the page?

    I am not a fan of the new full screen mode that I have to scroll in. In years past everything was all in one window that I didnt not need to scroll in.


    please email me

  24. cdtsbaseball5@yahoo.com

    Can someone please tell me how to view the gameday as it looks like in the screen shot link at the top of this page. I am not a fan of the new version, that you have the scroll in to find specific things.

    I liked it as it was in past years. Someone please let me know of what to do.


    Please email me.

  25. kalaiton@bellsouth.net

    Who dreamed this up? How can you change a product that fitted the screen well to one that you cannot use as the data is all over the place and will not even fit on the screen. At least with the old version,even ‘o7 you could see all the data and other scores on one page that you could SEE!. This is a joke, clean it up as it really can’t be used as it is!!

  26. charlesreid1@hotmail.com

    the new gameday takes up too much space on the screen – i can’t see the pitches in the batter’s box and the play-by-play at the same time. you should include an option to use last year’s gameday, the smaller & more compact pop-up. that would allow people with smaller screens to better enjoy the games (the way they used to).

  27. will.pittenger1@gmail.com

    Looks good, but I can no longer view the pitch from the pitcher point of view. Please put that back in.

  28. Ken P

    I would love to be able to complain about screen size and all that, I can’t even get it to run. I have followed ALL the instructions to the letter, all to no avail. Please fix this problem before I cancel my account.

  29. mellin.michael@gmail.com

    I prefer Gameday 2007 enough that I’m willing to paste in the 2008 game ID to an old link to a 2007 game. For those of you curmudgeonly enough to do the same, it looks like this:


    As you’ve noted above, the new version is still buggy and often doesn’t work. Beyond that, it’s not as good as the 2007 version for the following reasons, most of which can be fixed:

    * No pop-up window option.

    * Users have to scroll to access the teams’ hitting and pitching stats. In earlier versions, links at the top of the boxscore took you to them without scrolling.

    * The display is too cluttered and large. For instance, I can’t keep tabs on the other game scores while watching a game, and to view the pFX text display I must scroll up and lose the bottom half of the pitch-by-pitch summary.

    * It’s probably a little too resource intensive, and seems to slow my computer down more than the earlier versions, while providing not much more information.

    I appreciate your work and I’ll give the 2008 version another shot at some point, but for now I’m sticking to the 2007 version. (Speaking of which, since that’s still active, is there any way to access that version without the copy-pasting game IDs?)

  30. jseyer@sbcglobal.net

    I hate the 2008 version of Gameday. I actually thought there was something wrong with my computer. That bright white background. Having to scroll up and down to see everything. It went from sleek and stylish to plain and cluttered. Obviously, somebody listened to a vocal minority who didn’t like Gameday 2007 and made a completely unnecessary overhaul. Before Gameday came along I used to follow the games on ESPN or CBSSportsline. Now I’ll be going back to them until somebody around here sees the error of his/her ways and brings back a Gameday similar to the 2007 version.

  31. roy_rsn@swonger.net

    I am not at all thrilled with the 2008 version of Gameday, for a few reasons.

    First, I miss the box for the strike zone. Why was that removed?

    Second and more important is that gameday is a pig for resources. It depends a bit on the browser I use, but:

    – in FireFox an active Gameday consumes 30-50% of my CPU and upwards of 80 MB RAM. This is on a system with an AMD Athlon 4000+ CPU, 2 GB RAM.

    – in Safari 3.1 the numberes are similar, tending to hover around 35% CPU usage and 100 MB RAM for the browser

    – in IE 7.0.5730.11 the CPU and memory usage are lower, presumably because IE shunts some of the CPU usage off to the operating system. The system idle doesn’t look markedly different

    Overall it just seems a case of Gameday getting bloated. I would love a way to turn off the Pfx, which I’ve never thought useful, or to otherwise customize the interface to make it consume fewer resources and minimize clutter. Frankly, I like the pitch-by-pitch on my Blackberry’s MLB browser application better than Gameday in its current state, because the mobile version is minimalist.

    So, call me a luddite, but I liked the pre-Pitch f/x version of Gameday last year, and I think that integrating the pfx into the 2008 version has been a step backward for a great web app.

  32. erictschosik@yahoo.com

    The new Gameday in BAD. Please bring back the old version. The new one too big. The fact that it sits in a normal browser window drives me nuts. Now there is 2 scrollbars to use to get to the lineups. As previously mentioned, I liked the tabs to get to each team’s lineup. I hate this program. I will be looking at Yahoo and ESPN’s equivalent unless this is fixed soon.

  33. ebdpig

    Since I can no longer get Gameday because of the updates (I’m running Vista and have uninstalled, updated, downloaded about eight times) could you give more info on the home page so we can see pitches and outs? Very disappointing not to have Gameday. I’m DSL not very fast speed. I can get the audio. Just need outs and pitches. Thanks

  34. ftwrthastro

    Gameday will not load in Safari on my Mac running OS X Tiger. Doesn’t do well with Firefox either. It loads and trieds to run in Camino but is apparently such a resource hog that I am constantly getting beachballs.

    Am using ESPN Gamecast to follow my team right now. At least it works and gives me the basic information I’m interested in.

    2007 was way better. Smaller window, less resource intensive and it gave me all the game information I needed.

    I wouldn’t even consider trying MLB TV this year due to the very bad impressions I’ve gotten from Gameday.

  35. mlb@redcage.com

    It’s simple really. Just give us the option to use the classic Gameday. I’m like others, and I hated the New Coke! When I find something I like, there’s a good reason. Believe it or not, many of us buy the same brand of tennis shoes year after year.

    Baseball being such a classic sport, it seems your marketing guys would get this.

    If you want to try something new, offer it as an option. Test it, don’t just throw it in our faces with no other options.

    Now this constant product changing may be job security for a few developers, but I don’t believe in “job security”.

    For all you guys that want the old stuff, as stated above, just post your game code after this url:


    The more people who do this the more they’ll get the hint.

  36. sleathwood@gmail.com

    How come you guys don’t know how to score a game? Do you have no professionals on hand to consult? I’m monitoring the Washington Vs Philadelphia game, and all is well and them Philly goes on top. You air heads suddenly without reason or protocol change the score to 7 – 6 with Philiy placed in front of Washington in the marque. The home team is Always, always, always listed last!!!! Dummies.

  37. sleathwood@gmail.com

    How come you guys don’t know how to score a game? Do you have no professionals on hand to consult? I’m monitoring the Washington Vs Philadelphia game, and all is well and them Philly goes on top. You air heads suddenly without reason or protocol change the score to 7 – 6 with Philiy placed in front of Washington in the marque. The home team is Always, always, always listed last!!!! Dummies.

  38. tommy@tommywilde.com

    I’d love to know more about foul balls. Big diff of long foul ball 2″ out of play and a foul behind the seats

  39. j_mavros@hotmail.com

    Awful. Too big, too cluttered.

    Thanks Ken P for the tip on how to use the 2007 version!

    Things I liked better in the old version:
    1) the mouse-over for current pitcher/batter stats, rather than dedicated real estate
    2) The smaller, scrolling scoreboard
    3) Lack of giant team logos (really — why?)
    4) Dark bkgd

    I’m looking at the two side-by side right now, and it’s surprising to see that there aren’t that many changes that would take up more real estate…no new info, not many things got bigger. Just a really, really bad layout change (with no discernible benefit)

  40. kaustubh-sagdeo@ouhsc.edu

    overall I like the new GameDay, however I’m wondering why a team’s homepage will no longer list which channel is airing the game DURING THE GAME itself? for example I just went to cubs.mlb.com to check which channel was airing the game, and this info is no longer available. This was a very useful feature and I was wondering why it was removed. Channels are still listed when it’s NOT gametime which is expected, but why not during the game itself!

  41. ftwrthastro

    Gameday is running marginally better for me with the most up to date Firefox on my Mac with OS X Tiger. ESPN Gamecast is still working much better for me so far this season-smaller footprint, less resource intensive, gives me all I need, works fine on my Mac! Too bad, I still hope they fix Gameday.

    I will say this about watching MLB video highlights (just the free ones, I don’t subscribe to MLB TV), they are working very well for me in Safari after installing Flip4Mac. They load fairly quickly, compared to taking forever last season.

  42. coreygrodack@earthlink.net

    The 2008 is awful. I can’t see the full screen so I have to keep scrolling up and down and I’m NOT going to be doing that for the whole season. I don’t have anything additional to say than what has already been said. I’m just hoping that we can get enough people to complain that someone will listen. Until it’s fixed, I guess I’ll just keep using the 2007 link.

  43. dipaolo.daniel@gmail.com

    I agree with everyone who says that Gameday 2008 is horrendous. While the in-game video highlights are a nice feature (didn’t they make an appearance in 2007 though?), the unwieldy lay-out is ridiculous and the absence of a concise pop-up option is an obnoxious oversight.

    But these reductions in utility are so conspicuous they almost had to be intentional. Unfortunately, I fear that the negative comments are exactly what MLB.com wanted. This is what governments do: tell you how hard they are working for you and how great everything is while Rome is burning. Does anyone else think think that this is nothing more than an oblique inducement to purchase additional MLB services (e.g., audio, Extra Innings) cloaked in the guise of wonderful improvements? To invoke another imperial metaphor, we are all meant to wear the Emperor’s new clothes.

  44. dipaolo.daniel@gmail.com

    I agree with everyone who says that Gameday 2008 is horrendous. While the in-game video highlights are a nice feature (didn’t they make an appearance in 2007 though?), the unwieldy lay-out is ridiculous and the absence of a concise pop-up option is an obnoxious oversight.

    But these reductions in utility are so conspicuous they almost had to be intentional. Unfortunately, I fear that the negative comments are exactly what MLB.com wanted. This is what governments do: tell you how hard they are working for you and how great everything is while Rome is burning. Does anyone else think think that this is nothing more than an oblique inducement to purchase additional MLB services (e.g., audio, Extra Innings) cloaked in the guise of wonderful improvements? To invoke another imperial metaphor, we are all meant to wear the Emperor’s new clothes.

  45. ginale

    I’ve been keeping up with the Braves on Gameday for a couple of years since our cable doesn’t carry most networks that broadcast the games and sometimes we can’t get them on a radio station nearby either. Now, since you changed Gameday, we can’t even get the games on that. We never had a problem before, and we did everything that was suggested for troubleshooting. I wish you had just left everything alone!!!

  46. dmtulle22@yahoo.com

    how do i change the view from the batters perspective to the pitchers vantage. i used to be able to hit a toggle but,very simple.

  47. k_dog_666@hotmail.com

    “It is recommended that your connection speed is at higher than 512Kbps (DSL or above) and your computer has at least 1GB of RAM to ensure optimal performance” seriously? are you kidding me?? 1 Gb of RAM and a DSL connection to show me the score to a baseball game?

    I don’t want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of adding all these “neat” features that no one wanted or asked for, I think it would be more useful to create a gameday that runs faster, requires less memory, and runs on more platforms than previous versions. Instead, 2008 gameday is slower, requires a state of the art machine, and has left behind anyone who isn’t using a limited number of tested software configurations. I think it’s reasonable to write a gameday application that works fine on a 5 year old machine with a dial up connection. I honestly believe that would be a more useful application to both MLB and it’s customers than putting gameday on steroids.

    While I’m posting, allow me to vent on mlb.tv. That is even more irritating because I *pay* for that service. Yet, every year there is a new format that kills my linux box. Why not just have a link to the video easily available on the screen somewhere? Instead, there’s a bunch of microsoft stuff (this year it’s silverlight) that doesn’t work well on linux and I have to write custom scripts every year to make it work for me. You shouldn’t need a masters in CS to watch baseball from your computer (btw, here’s a good place to start for advice on getting mlb.tv on linux. It is possible đŸ™‚ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/mlb.tv-in-linux-432479/)

  48. philvh@charter.net

    Yes, we should have the option of a leaner GameDay. Best improvement this year was FINALLY turning the compass to reflect reality at U.S. Cellular Field . . . .

  49. xxx@x.com

    The new gameday is good, but the old ones didn’t have the whole menu bar/MLB logo tiling/scoreboard, standings, etc links. I preferred it when that stuff was hidden so it didn’t take up so much space.
    Also, can you guys make it so fouls and strikes are different colors? (exp strike = red, foul = orange)

    Good luck and thx

  50. bkurt64@yahoo.com

    This 2008 gameday is really bad. I’ve been able to watch it once and I hate having to scroll all the way down to view everything. Gameday won’t even load on my computer, but yet it did perfectly fine last year. PLEASE LET US SELECT LAST YEARS GAMEDAY VERSION OR FIX THIS ONE!!! Please give some feed back.

  51. jsmith@gm.com

    The video alert screen is tiny. It would be nice if you could make it bigger or at least have an option to make the screen bigger. Thanks.

  52. cubby_swans@yahoo.com

    This new game day stinks. I liked having a window in the background I could check here and there while doing other things. This thing takes up the whole screen, and even at that it doesn’t fit within the window, so I end up having to scroll up and down the main window to see stuff, and then I have to scroll up and down within the window to see the stupid boxscore or Lineups/Bench.

  53. frank@complianceweek.com

    How come, when you click on a pitcher’s name from within the box score, you get batting stats instead of ERA, W-L, etc.?

  54. cubby_swans@yahoo.com

    A bug I noticed. When a batter makes an out to a fielder, the spot on the field on the left hand side of the screen shows up as a red dot. When you hover the mouse over that dot, it displays the information i.e. (Derrek) Lee vs (Nelson) Figueroa. However, if it was the third out, and before the next batter starts for the opposing team, the spot remains on the field and it displays the batter who made the third out and the pitcher of his own team. The Same ‘Lee vs Figueroa’ becomes ‘(Derrek) Lee vs (Ted) Lilly’. Now tell me, how is it possible that Derek Lee popped out or made a ground out to Ted Lilly when they’re on the same team? The actual recorded history seems to be OK, if you check on home or away outs, the proper batter/pitcher are displayed. This error happens when in real time.

  55. rosejra@newwavecomm.net

    I’ve been watching Gameday for a couple of years now and sometimes it is pretty good but other times it is bad when whoever is doing it doesn’t keep up with the game but may be a batter behind or even an inning? This is very frustrating to watch!

    Aubert Rose, Jr.

  56. mlb@redcage.com

    Give us a link to Classic Gameday please….
    Let us TURN OFF all the bells and whistles please….
    Customization is not that difficult to add in….

    An Experienced Web Developer

  57. commenter25

    I’ve noticed the changes made in the last few days. (I should have known the absence of the large ad in the bottom-right corner was too good to last.)

    I’ve found a few things that need tweaking:
    ? When choosing the Lineups/Bench view, the batter at the plate should be highlighted as in the Boxscore view (it’s a lot easier to follow a live game using the lineups, especially with all the substitutions in a National League game).
    ? “Home run” is two words, not one.
    ? “Groundout,” “flyout,” “popout,” etc. are each one word when used as nouns (as in the batter history). (They are currently shown correctly as two words when used as verbs (as in “Derek Smith grounds out”).)
    ? The batter view seems to waste space, especially at the top. If this area were tightened up, then more space could be given to the play-by-play.

  58. tom@queststudios.com

    Because of the Flash requirements of Game Day, I’m only able to use it from my home PC. Most PC’s I use elsewhere haven’t been updated to the latest version of Flash … and not having Administrator rights, there’s nothing I can do about it, except settle for ESPN’s Game Day (which has lesser requirements.)

    My problem with MLB.com is with the Game Day AUDIO portion, for which I pay to use. Audio from WXYT-Detroit is usually very distorted on every PC I use; it’s not a soundcard/computer related issue, but rather, a webcast issue that MLB.com needs to deal with. I haven’t experienced this with any other webcast on MLB’s Game Day Audio webcasts, only WXYT’s Tiger games. I wish someone would look into this and correct the problem.

  59. chrisb8719@yahoo.com

    I love the new look and the page is much more user friendly. However, what happened today (5/10/08 Cub/Diamondback game)? I am watching on TV and also the Gameday page and the Gameday is missing batters, listing batters in the wrong inning, etc. etc. What happened?

  60. elevenrecords@hotmail.com


    When I was able to open the videos in an exterior window on my mac they worked fine. But, now that it’s embedded in the gameday window the video is super choppy, and the sounds is just white noise. Very, very frustrating.

  61. yankeebatts@yahoo.com

    I agree with some of these posts that take issue with how the new Gameday is not playing well with the Mac. It is great to improve the functionality but don’t leave us Mac users locked out. Thankfully I have my work laptop to use also.

    A suggestion… I’d love to be able to sinc up GameDay with the Audio Stream. Is this possible now?

  62. hutchleberry@gmail.com

    Gameday —
    I love the improvements — particularly the video highlights. But your choice about what to show needs some serious work. nine out of every ten videos are homeruns, which is boring. We need more (many more) double plays, outfield put outs, great pitcher/batter duels, diving catches, etc. When someone strikes out with the bases loaded with two outs and their team is down by two in the 8th inning . . . we want to see those pitches.

    More defense, pitching, and good at bats . . .not just homeruns. THanks!


  63. satch@go-concepts.com

    It would be nice if Gameday would work even half of the time!!!! Maybe instead of creating all of these fansy updates, someone should make sure that it works first!!!! Out of the last 10 times I tried to check out the Reds, I have only been able to 3 times. The product does not work!!!!

  64. laxie@minn.net

    I can no longer get Gameday using Firefox. All I get is a white box below the MLB logo and the normal tabs in the upper right. There is no Gameday logo underneat the MLB logo and it says done at the bottom of the page. I am on the new Adobe Flash update of

    I have cleared the Firefox cache, deleted the Adobe Flash stored files and then put it back up to a normal level again. Silverlight is installed.

    It was working as recently as last week. Anyone have any ideas? I hate having to bring up IE just to follow a ballgame.

  65. bevt

    There are often errors in connecting the correct video to the commentary. Tonight the video on the A’/Tigers game has a Cubs clip where Bobby Crosby’s game winning hit should be. This seems to happen all the time. Who is doing QA on this? Very frustrating.

  66. crimclov

    I’d like just one slight change in your display method: list the most recent pitch at the TOP of the scroll so that the score/inning/ball-strike count/out status info, along with the “field” display, can all be seen at one time. As it is now, I have to scroll down to see the most recent pitch results which cuts off the info listed above (it’s off the top of the moniter screen).

  67. digmyearth

    I have some feedback on the Blackberry Gameday application and I hope this is where I can leave it. I downloaded the trial and enjoyed it, but it isn’t worth paying for. It’s not even worth $1 a month to be honest. All the real time information is available elsewhere on the Blackberry (including Yahoo, Google, and the MLB.com app). The graphical interface is nice, but that’s the only significant enhancement over a raw text feed of the same information.

    My suggestion is to charge a flat rate ($20 tops) for the application instead of a monthly service fee. I’d consider a one-time charge, but not a monthly fee.

    Possible solutions on how you can recoup your costs would be to e-mail ads or text message ads to subscribers. While I dislike them as much as the next guy, I do realize you need to make money on this.

    Final thought: I saw online the demo of the new Gameday At-Bat for iPhone. That’s very nice, and that would be worth paying for. The bigger screen iPhone provides along with the video streaming makes this very enticing. I don’t think you can do that with the current Blackberry phones, but that is the type of content I would consider paying for monthly.

  68. pfox_65@msn.com

    Just saw the 3D Gameday for the first time…..it’s really great! But the batter looks more like a sailor or a baker….maybe you can spiff him up a little bit, so he looks more like a real ballplayer!

  69. ohms_law@comcast.net

    I’d like to suggest adding Game Day, at least the graphic portion of it, to the right hand side of the MLB.TV screen. I subscribe to MLB.TV and I love watching games, but I also love seeing the pitches and the pitch data in Game Day, so I typically have both a tab with MLB.TV and Game Day tab open during games. It’d be nice to have at least an option to put the graphic from Game Day on the MLB.TV page, so I don’t have to constantly switch back and forth.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  70. farginbastitch@aol.com

    I would just like to know what to do to make this years version not suck so bad. I never had a problem with Gameday last year. This year, has been nothing short of SH*TTY. How can I make this thing update the first pitch of the game before the first pitch of TOMORROW’S game? I sit here waiting for the stupid thing to update, and next thing I know, an inning has passed, and 5 runs have been scored. Can I revert this back to 2007?

  71. klc@u.washington.edu

    I’ve been happily using the trick mentioned early in this set of comments to continue using the 2007 version of gameday. When I attempted it today, it redirected me to the 2008 version (which really, I pretty much hate). Anyone find a way to continue using the 2007 version. Anyone have any idea how to get mlb to listen to all the negative comments here (I’m guessing that last one is probably a rhetorical question).

  72. klc@u.washington.edu

    I’ve been happily using the trick mentioned early in this set of comments to continue using the 2007 version of gameday. When I attempted it today, it redirected me to the 2008 version (which really, I pretty much hate). Anyone find a way to continue using the 2007 version. Anyone have any idea how to get mlb to listen to all the negative comments here (ok that last one is probably a rhetorical question).

  73. osrays

    I love the Gameday element of MLB.com, but I do have one issue with the stats. Unless I am sorely mistaken, LOB stands for Left On Base. Why am I seeing LOB numbers for people who never reached base? For instance, in tonight’s game between Tampa Bay and Oakland, A’s CF Carlos Gonzalez grounded out into a 3-6-3 double play in his only plate appearance thus far. Why does it show a “1” in the LOB column next to his name? He wasn’t left on base… he never reached base. Other than that, I absolutely love the new Gameday element. I’d still rate it a 9 out of 10, but would give it a perfect 10 if someone would fix the LOB column.

  74. maryrobinsonart@sbcglobal.net

    why can’t the games be streamed?
    what is it with baseball that to watch a game you have to have $$$$. even to listen to it!?!
    baseball is no longer the national pastime.

  75. gigadork

    Overall GD2008 gets a C-, 2007 was a solid C. Really MLB should be able to do better! The spotty updates and plain wrong data aside, the WORST thing is that on strikeouts, the 3rd strike pitch is almost NEVER shown… before the last pitch animation posts, the scene turns over to the next batter’s, usually the stupid “STRIKEOUT” banner animation plays, and then the blank scene just sits there for 30 seconds or so until the first pitch to the next batter posts. WHY WHY WHY does GD not hold the rest of that crap until the third strike posts? It is so frustrating to rarely know if third strikes were in the zone or not! BTW I have a very high speed connection, so it’s just bad programming.

    The teasers for premium that can’t be closed (forcing a restart of GD) is truly obnoxious as well.


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